On August 21st, Sunday soon after the Malayalam service the Cathedral Youth fellowship conducted a meeting especially for the young women. The meeting was led by Smt. Santha Ebenezer .The talk was about the role of spirituality in a woman’s life in today’s world of science and technology. The meeting began with a prayer. Around 20 girls attended the meeting.
Kochamma began the meeting quoting a Bible Verse from ‘I Peter 2:9’. She explained to us the meaning of the word Spirituality. Spirituality simply means being close to God. Spirituality is not something that changes with time. Even if it is the first century or the 21st century, spirituality, its meaning and its need remains the same. We usually think that, as the lifestyle changes we may have to make some changes in the essence of spirituality in life. But that’s not what the Word of God teaches us. To have spirituality in life we should know what spirituality actually is. 'Spirituality' implies being with God. So whatever be the world around us, as a Christian, we should lead a life together with God.
As Christian women we have certain responsibilities to church and to the society that we should be aware of while leading a spiritual life. We may regularly attend church, prayers and the so called meetings. But that need not always be an expression of true spirituality. Jesus referred to the Pharisees as fake believers. They were leading a life, obeying all the rules of church but they missed the real essence of spirituality in their heart. This is not the kind of spirituality that we should have in our life.
Women have always faced problems and challenges in life. Earlier Jewish women were compared to dogs. Muslim women were denied entry to mosques. Today, it’s a world where women are being exploited a lot. In today’s age of globalization and women empowerment, misuse of technology and drug addiction play the villains role. One should be able to identify evil and stand against it. Young Christian women should show the boldness to react against the wrong. The common trend seen among women is that they remain silent whatever happens to them. This is not what Jesus wants us to do. We should react against these exploitations. This is where strong spiritual life becomes relevant.
Once, girls enter into a married life, reacting against atrocities is bound to many other factors like husband, family, friends etc. So now, when we are so active and free, we should carry out our responsibilities as a true Christian. During the Old testament days men used to thank God through prayers for not being born as a woman. But when we come to the New testament we have a Lord who gave us equality in spirituality. So, as young Christian women, through regular prayer and bible study we should try our best to be with God and thus enrich our spirituality.
Thus, Kochamma encouraged us to start laying a foundation for spiritual life by spending more time reading the Bible and having a personal conversation with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The meeting concluded at 12:30 pm.
Report by: Ms. Shima Williams & Ms. Christina Arnold
P.S.: Sorry about the pictures. The girls were so indulged that we decided not to disturb them with the camera!!